Package 'EGM'

Title: Evaluating Cardiac Electrophysiology Signals
Description: A system for importing electrophysiological signal, based on the 'Waveform Database (WFDB)' software package, written by Moody et al 2022 <doi:10.13026/gjvw-1m31>. A wrapper for utilizing 'WFDB' functions for reading and writing signal data, as well as functions for visualization and analysis are provided. A stable and broadly compatible class for working with signal data, supporting the reading in of cardiac electrophysiogical files such as intracardiac electrograms, is introduced.
Authors: Anish S. Shah [aut, cre, cph]
Maintainer: Anish S. Shah <[email protected]>
License: GPL (>= 3)
Built: 2025-02-18 22:20:25 UTC

Help Index

Add annotations to a ggm object


The add_annotations() adds annotations to a ggm object. It is specific to this class as it requires the output of ggm() to included data stored in annotation_table().



Add color scheme to a ggm object


Using add_colors() is part of the theme process for a ggm object, which in turn is a visual representation of an egm object. Often, the egm dataset will contain default colors based on where the signal data was brought in from. add_colors() can allow customization of those features to some degree based on opinionated color palettes.


add_colors(object, palette, mode)



A ggm object


A character choice from the below options that describe the color choices to be used for plotting. If set to the default, which is NULL, no changes to the colors for individual channels will be performed. If a positive choice is made, then the background mode argument will be set to dark as the default, unless otherwise specified. WARNING: This is an experimental argument, and may be moved in future version.

  • NULL: no changes to the colors will be made. DEFAULT.

  • material: a colorscheme based off of the Material Design color scheme


A character string from c("dark", "light") to describe the base/background color settings to be used. If there are preset channel colors that were exported in the egm object, these colors will be used for the individual channels. If palette is specified, then the dark option will be set automatically (a palette choice cannot be made without understanding the background to plate it across). WARNING: This is an experimental argument, and may be moved in future version.

  • The dark theme mimics the "white on black" scheme seen in LabSystem Pro format (and most other high-contrast visualizations), for minimizing eye strain. This calls the theme_egm_dark() function. DEFAULT.

  • The light theme mimics the "black on white" colors seen in the Prucka system.

  • NULL removes any theme, and uses the default ggplot2::ggplot() settings


Currently, the color choices are individual decided based on the channel source (e.g. lead) and are inspired by some modern palettes. The eventual goal for this function is to accept a multitude of palette options using heuristics similar to what is found in {ggplot2} or other graphing packages.


Returns an updated ggm object

Analyze F waves in atrial fibrillation ECG


Analyze F waves in atrial fibrillation ECG


  characteristics = c("amplitude", "approximate_entropy", "dominant_frequency"),



Numeric vector of the atrial signal


Sampling frequency of the signal


Vector of characteristics to analyze


Additional parameters for specific analyses


A list containing the results of the requested analyses

Annotation Table


annotation_table() modifies the data.table class to work with annotation data. The columns are of all equal length, and each row describes a single annotation (although there may be duplicate time points).


  annotator = character(),
  time = character(),
  sample = integer(),
  frequency = integer(),
  type = character(),
  subtype = character(),
  channel = integer(),
  number = integer(),




String that is the name of a WFDB-compatible annotation type, serving as the extension for the file that is written containing that annotation. Please see read_annotation() and write_annotation() for further details.


A character time stamp of the annotation, written in the format of HH:MM:SS.SSS, starting at 00:00:00.000. This is converted to the appropriate time based on the header file (which records the actual start time and sampling frequency). This is often a missing variable and is given for compatibility with the WFDB applications.


An integer representing the sample number of the annotation


An integer that represents the sampling frequency in Hertz


A character or string representing the type of the annotation


A character or string representing the subtype of the annotation


An integer representing the channel number of the annotation, or a character representing the channel name


An additional integer value or number that classifies the annotation (allows for compatibility with multiple annotation types)


Additional arguments to be passed to the function


A data.table object that represents an annotation table


The annotation_table() function creates a compatible table that can be used with write_annotation() and read_annotation() functions.


A data.table that has invariant columns that are compatible with the WFDB library. The key columns include the sample index, the type of annotation (and its subtype and number qualifier), and the channel.

Annotation files

The following annotation file types are described below.


ecgpuwave analyzes an ECG signal from the specified record, detecting the QRS complexes and locating the beginning, peak, and end of the P, QRS, and ST-T waveforms. The output of ecgpuwave is written as a standard WFDB-format annotation file (the extension is "*.ecgpuwave", as would be expected). This file can be converted into text format using rdann. Further details are given at the ECGPUWAVE page.

The type column can be p, t, or N for the peak of the P wave, T wave, and QRS (R peak) directly. The output notation also includes waveform onset XXX and waveform offset XXX. The number column gives further information about each of these type labels.

The number column gives modifier information. If the type classifier is a T wave annotation, the number column can be 0 (normal), 1 (inverted), 2 (positive), 3 (negative), 4 (biphasic negative-positive), 5 (biphasic positive-negative). If the type is an waveform onset or offset, then number can be 0 (P wave), 1 (QRS complex), 2 (T wave).

Annotator systems for WFDB objects


These functions create templates for annotation in R and extend the ability for developers to create their own annotation systems that are stable for WFDB objects. They are compatible with WFDB annotations and can be written out to a WFDB-compatible file. This also allows extensibility.

Calculate Dominant Frequency of a time series


Calculate Dominant Frequency of a time series


calculate_dominant_frequency(x, frequency, f_min = 4, f_max = 9)



Numeric vector of the time series


Sampling frequency of the signal


Minimum frequency to consider (default 4 Hz)


Maximum frequency to consider (default 9 Hz)


Dominant Frequency in Hz

Identify the color for a channel based on palettes


This primarily restricts the colors to color-space safe options. It is intended to be used with add_colors() to provide a color scheme for the ggm object. It has been exposed to users for custom or advanced theming options.


color_channels(x, palette, mode = "dark")



Vector of character names of requested ECG or EGM leads


A character choice from the below options that describe the color choices to be used for plotting. If set to the default, which is NULL, no changes to the colors for individual channels will be performed. If a positive choice is made, then the background mode argument will be set to dark as the default, unless otherwise specified. WARNING: This is an experimental argument, and may be moved in future version.

  • NULL: no changes to the colors will be made. DEFAULT.

  • material: a colorscheme based off of the Material Design color scheme


A character string from c("dark", "light") to describe the base/background color settings to be used. If there are preset channel colors that were exported in the egm object, these colors will be used for the individual channels. If palette is specified, then the dark option will be set automatically (a palette choice cannot be made without understanding the background to plate it across). WARNING: This is an experimental argument, and may be moved in future version.

  • The dark theme mimics the "white on black" scheme seen in LabSystem Pro format (and most other high-contrast visualizations), for minimizing eye strain. This calls the theme_egm_dark() function. DEFAULT.

  • The light theme mimics the "black on white" colors seen in the Prucka system.

  • NULL removes any theme, and uses the default ggplot2::ggplot() settings


Vector of hex code colors as character based on the selected palette and light/dark mode

Theming and color options for ggm objects



The general purpose is to improve visualization of electrical signals. There is a pattern of colors that are generally given from different recording software, and they can be replicated to help improve visibility.






A ggm object, with inheritance similar to ggplot2::theme_minimal()

Electrogram data class from electrophysiology studies


This class serves as a combinatorial class to describe cardiovascular electrical signal data in R. It is based off of the formats available in WFDB, but has been formatted for ease of use within the R ecosystem. An egm object contains three components in a list:

  • signal data in multiple channels

  • header information

  • annotation labels at specified time points

These components help to navigate, and visualize data. The egm class is the backbone for working with WFDB objects in R, and provides an interface for integrating or converting other raw signal data to a WFDB format.


  signal = signal_table(),
  header = header_table(),
  annotation = annotation_table(),




A signal_table object generated by the signal_table() function


A header_table object generated by the header_table() function


A annotation_table object generated by the annotation_table() function


Additional arguments to be passed to the function


An egm object, typically generated by the egm() function, to be used with support functions (e.g. is_egm()


The individual components of the class are further defined in their respective children functions signal_table(), header_table(), annotation_table(). They are very simple classes that build upon the data.table class that allow for class safety checks when working with different data types (particularly WFDB).

IMPORTANT: The egm class can be built from ground-up by the user, however it is primarily generated for the user using the other read/write functions, such as read_lspro() or read_wfdb().


An object of class egm that is always a list of the above three components. Oftentimes, the annotation_table object may be missing, and it is replaced with an empty table as a place holder.

Extract F wave features from ECG


This function analyzes F waves in an ECG signal, extracting various characteristics.


  lead = NULL,
  qrs_method = "adaptive_svd",
  f_characteristics = "amplitude",



An object of class egm


Optional. A character string specifying the lead to analyze. If NULL (default), all available leads will be processed.


Method for ventricular signal removal. Default is "adaptive_svd" for adaptive singular value decomposition.


Vector of characteristics to analyze from ECG signal. Options: "amplitude", "approximate_entropy", "dominant_frequency". Please see calculate_approximate_entropy() and calculate_dominant_frequency() for more details.


Additional arguments passed to methods


A list containing F wave features for each processed lead


Park, Junbeom, Chungkeun Lee, Eran Leshem, Ira Blau, Sungsoo Kim, Jung Myung Lee, Jung-A Hwang, Byung-il Choi, Moon-Hyoung Lee, and Hye Jin Hwang. “Early Differentiation of Long-Standing Persistent Atrial Fibrillation Using the Characteristics of Fibrillatory Waves in Surface ECG Multi-Leads.” Scientific Reports 9 (February 26, 2019): 2746.

Hyvarinen, A., and Oja, E. (2000). Independent component analysis: algorithms and applications. Neural Networks, 13(4-5), 411-430.

Extract raw signal data from an egm object


Raw signal data may be all that is required, particularly when storing or manipulating data, or for example, feeding it into an analytical pipeline. This means the extraneous elements, such as the meta information, may be unnecessary. This function helps to strip away and extract just the signal data itself and channel names.


extract_signal(object, data_format = c("data.frame", "matrix", "array"), ...)



An egm object that contains the signal data to be extracted


A character choice of either data.frame (default), matrix, or array that tells how the data should be structured. Further explanation in the details.


Additional arguments to be passed to the function


The options to return the data vary based on need. The data can be extracted as follows:

  • data.frame containing an equal number of rows to the number of samples, with each column named after the recording channel it was derived from. Data frames, as they are columnar by nature, will also include the sample index position.

  • matrix containing an equal number of rows to the number of samples, with each column named after the recording channel it was derived from

  • array containing individual vectors of signal, each named after the channel they were derived from


An object as described by the format option

Visualization of EGMs using ggplot



The ggm() function is used to plot objects of the egm class. This function however is more than just a plotting function - it serves as a visualization tool and confirmation of patterns, annotations, and underlying waveforms in the data. The power of this, instead of being a ⁠geom_*()⁠ object, is that annotations, intervals, and measurements can be added incrementally.


  channels = character(),
  time_frame = NULL,
  palette = NULL,
  mode = "dark",



Data of the egm class, which includes header (meta) and signal information together.


A character vector of which channels to use. Can give either the channel label (e.g "CS 1-2") or the recording device/catheter type (e.g "His" or "ECG"). If no channels are selected, the default is all channels.


A time range that should be displaced given in the format of a vector with a length of 2. The left value is the start, and right value is the end time. This is given in seconds (decimals may be used).


A character choice from the below options that describe the color choices to be used for plotting. If set to the default, which is NULL, no changes to the colors for individual channels will be performed. If a positive choice is made, then the background mode argument will be set to dark as the default, unless otherwise specified. WARNING: This is an experimental argument, and may be moved in future version.

  • NULL: no changes to the colors will be made. DEFAULT.

  • material: a colorscheme based off of the Material Design color scheme


A character string from c("dark", "light") to describe the base/background color settings to be used. If there are preset channel colors that were exported in the egm object, these colors will be used for the individual channels. If palette is specified, then the dark option will be set automatically (a palette choice cannot be made without understanding the background to plate it across). WARNING: This is an experimental argument, and may be moved in future version.

  • The dark theme mimics the "white on black" scheme seen in LabSystem Pro format (and most other high-contrast visualizations), for minimizing eye strain. This calls the theme_egm_dark() function. DEFAULT.

  • The light theme mimics the "black on white" colors seen in the Prucka system.

  • NULL removes any theme, and uses the default ggplot2::ggplot() settings


Additional arguments to be passed to the function


An {ggplot2} compatible object with the ggm class, which contains additional elements about the header and annotations of the original data.

Header Table


header_table() modifies the data.table class to work with header data. The header data is read in from a similar format as to that of WFDB files and should be compatible/interchangeable when writing out to disk. The details extensively cover the type of data that is input. Generally, this function is called by ⁠read_*_header()⁠ functions and will generally not be called by the end-user.


  record_name = character(),
  number_of_channels = integer(),
  frequency = 250,
  samples = integer(),
  start_time = strptime(Sys.time(), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%OSn"),
  ADC_saturation = integer(),
  file_name = character(),
  storage_format = 16L,
  ADC_gain = 200L,
  ADC_baseline = ADC_zero,
  ADC_units = "mV",
  ADC_resolution = 12L,
  ADC_zero = 0L,
  initial_value = ADC_zero,
  checksum = 0L,
  blocksize = 0L,
  label = character(),
  info_strings = list(),
  additional_gain = 1,
  low_pass = integer(),
  high_pass = integer(),
  color = "#000000",
  scale = integer()




A character vector of record line information


An integer describing number of signals


A numeric value of sampling frequency, 250 Hz default


An integer for the number of samples


The POSIXct time of recording, with miliseconds included. For example, strptime(start_time, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M%:%OSn") where as described in base::strptime()


An integer representing ADC saturation


A character for the signal specific information


An integer of the bits for the storage format, 16-bit default


An integer of ADC gain, default of 200


An integer of ADC baseline, defaults to ADC_zero


A character to describe ADC units, "mV" is default


An integer for ADC resolution, default is 12


An integer for ADC zero, defaults to 0


An integer for the initial value, defaults to ADC_zero value


An integer that serves as the checksum


An integer of the block size


A character description of the signal


A list of strings that will be written as an appendix to the header file, usually containing information about the channels, (e.g. list of colors, extra labels, etc).


A numeric Additional gain, defaults to 1.0


An integer Low pass filter


An integer High pass filter


A character Color as hexadecimal format, defaults to black


An integer Scale


A data.table object that serves as the header table


The header_table object is relatively complex in that it directly deals with properties of the signal, and allows compatibility with WFDB files and other raw header files for other signal objects. It can be written out using write_wfdb().


A header_table object that is an extension of the data.table class. This contains an adaptation of the function arguments, allowing for compatibility with the WFDB class.

Header file structure

There are three components to the header file:

  1. Record line that contains the following information, in the order documented, however pieces may be missing based on different parameters. From left to right...

    • Record name

    • Number of signals: represents number of segments/channels

    • Sampling frequency (optional)

    • Number of samples (optional)

    • Time: in HH:MM:SS format (optional)

    • Date: in DD/MM/YYYY (optional)

  2. Signal specification lines contains specifications for individual signals, and there must be as many signal lines as there are reported by the above record line. From left to right....

    • File name: usually *.dat

    • Format integer: represents storage type, e.g. 8-bit or 16-bit

    • ADC gain: ADC units per physical unit (optional)

      • Baseline: corresponds to 0 physical units, sep = '*(0)" (optional)

      • Units: with '/' as a field separator e.g '*/mV' (optional)

    • ADC resolution integer: bits, usually 8 or 16 (optional)

    • ADC zero: represents middle of ADC input range (optional)

    • Initial value (optional)

    • Checksum (optional)

    • Block size (optional)

    • Description: text or label information (optional)

  3. Info strings are unstructured lines that contains information about the record. Usually are descriptive. Starts with initial '#' without preceding white space at beginning of line.

Read in ECG and EGM data from LabSystem Pro


This function allows for reading in LS Pro data based on their text export of signals. Signals can be exported directly from the LS Pro system.

The LabSystem Pro was acquired by Boston Scientific from the original company Bard. They are a common electrophysiology signal processing device for visualization and measurement of intracardiac signals.


read_lspro(file, n = Inf)


read_lspro_signal(file, n = Inf)



The path to the file where the data is located. It must be a *.txt file. See details below about its format.


Number of signal values to return (this will be the same for each channel of data). Defaults to all values.


An egm class object that is a list of eps signals the format of a data.table, with an attached header attribute that contains additional recording data.

Data Export

The steps to data export are as follows.

  1. Start LabSystem PRO

  2. Open a patient record

  3. Display a waveform recording in a Review Window

  4. Scroll to a point of interest in a waveform recording

  5. Right click on the review window to the left of the region of interest

  6. Select an Export option, either a default time range or the entire visible page (which depends on the sweep speed).

Data Format

[Header] Recording info – contains (example):

	 File Type: 1<CR><LF>
	 Version: 1<CR><LF>
	 Channels exported: 22<CR><LF>
	 Samples per channel: 5000<CR><LF>
	 Start time:  6:55:24<CR><LF>
	 End time:  6:55:29<CR><LF>
	 Ch. Info. Pointer: 320<CR><LF>
	 Stamp Data: T<CR><LF>
	 Mux format: 0<CR><LF>
	 Mux Block Size: <CR><LF>
	 Data Format 1<CR><LF>
	 Sample Rate: 1000Hz<CR><LF>

[Header] Channel info (per channel example):

  Channel #: 1<CR><LF>
  Label: III<CR><LF>
	 Range: 5mv <CR><LF>
	 Low: 1Hz<CR><LF>
	 High: 100Hz<CR><LF>
	 Sample rate: 1000Hz<CR><LF>
	 Color: 0000FF<CR><LF>
	 Scale: -7<CR><LF>

[Data] As described below:


Channel Data is interleaved in the example above (sample indexed at 1):

1 2 3 ... 22
Ch1:1 Ch2:1 Ch3:1 ... Ch22:1
Ch1:2 Ch2:2 Ch3:2 ... Ch22:2
Ch1:3 Ch2:3 Ch3:3 ... Ch22:3
... ... ... ... ...
Ch1:5000 Ch2:5000 Ch3:5000 ... Ch22:5000

Read in ECG data from MUSE


This function serves to read/convert XML based files from the MUSE system to digital signal. This can subsequently be written into other formats. The MUSE system is somewhat proprietary, and each version may or may not allow export options into XML.





An ECG file from MUSE in XML format


GE Healthcare MUSE v9 is currently the model that is being used. These functions have not been tested in older models.


An egm class object that is a list of eps signals the format of a data.table, with an attached header attribute that contains additional recording data.

Segmentation of electrical signal by wave specifications


Segmentation of electrical signal by wave specifications


  by = "sinus",
  pad = "before",
  pad_length = 0L,
  center = NULL


pad_sequence(object, pad, pad_length)

center_sequence(object, center, pad_length)



Object of the egm class, which includes header, signal information, and annotation information.


A character string naming waveform type to segment by. Options include the following:


character String to specify which side of sequence to pad (or both). Options include c("before", "after", "both").

Default is before. If center is being used, then the this argument is ignored.


Offers padding of the segmented beats to a maximum length, as an integer. The default is 0L, which means no padding will be applied. If pad > 0 then will add the baseline value (specified within the header of the signal) to either before or after the signal. You can also choose to center the sequence, which will also only occur if pad > 0. I.e., if pad = 500 then each segmented object will be increased TO a max length of 500. If the maximum size is larger than the padding size, then a warning will be issued and the sequence will be truncated.


A single Roman alphabetic letter character that utilizes the annotations given in the egm object to center the sequence. This is found under the type variable in the annotation table.

For example, if sinus waveforms were annotated as c("P", "R", "T") at their peak, then could center around R. This will only occur if pad > 0L. This is case-insensitive. The amount of padding will be determined by the pad_length argument


Requires a 12-lead ECG that has been digitized, and input as an egm object. This object must have an annotation file associated with it that contains demarcation annotations. Please see below for approaches based on the annotation type. Current, the following are supported:

  • sinus = supports using ecgpuwave as the annotator


Returns a list of egm objects. Each item is a segmentation of an egm, using the selected channels (if available). It will attempt to optimize and pick the best annotations to help create consistencies between the signal channels as possible.

Sinus beat segmentation

Identify individual sinus beats on surface ECG and extract as individual beats, returning a list of sinus beats in the form of the egm class. a consistent P, R, and T wave amongst all channels. If a channel does not have, for example, a visible T wave, it will still label it as information gained from other channels. This is based off of the algorithm from the annotation tool named ecgpuwave. Please see read_annotation() for further details.

Signal tables


The signal_table() function modifies the data.table class to work with electrical signal data. The input should be a data set of equal number of rows. It will add a column of index positions called sample if it does not already exist.






A list of equal lengths


data.frame A data frame of signal data


An object of class signal_table, which is an extension of the data.table class. The sample column is invariant and will always be present. The other columns represent additional channels.

Waveform Database (WFDB) Software Package


This implementation of WFDB is a back-end for the WFDB using a combination of python, C++, and C language. The related functions are documented separately. This serves as an overview of the conversion of WFDB formats to R formats. In this documentation, the specific WFDB generated files will be described.



String that will be used to name the WFDB record. Cannot include extensions, and is not a filepath. alphanumeric characters are acceptable, as well as hyphens (-) and underscores (_)


File path of directory that should be used read and write files. Defaults to current directory.


String that is the name of a WFDB-compatible annotation type, serving as the extension for the file that is written containing that annotation. Please see read_annotation() and write_annotation() for further details.


Path that leads to installed wfdb software package on device. Needs to be directly set using set_wfdb_path(). Obtained from the system options on loading of the package, getOption('wfdb_path')


Additional arguments to be passed to the function


The WFDB (Waveform Database) Software Package has been developed over the past thirty years, providing a large collection of software for processing and analyzing physiological waveforms. The package is written in highly portable C and can be used on all popular platforms, including GNU/Linux, MacOS X, MS-Windows, and all versions of Unix.

The foundation of the WFDB Software Package is the WFDB library, consisting of a set of functions for reading and writing digitized signals and annotations. These functions can be used by programs written in C, C++, or Fortran, running under any operating system for which an ANSI/ISO C compiler is available, including all versions of Unix, MS-DOS, MS-Windows, the Macintosh OS, and VMS.

Data format

The records that the WFDB uses have three components...

  1. Signals: integer values that are at equal intervals at a certain sampling frequency

  2. Header attributes: recording information such as sample number, gain, sampling frequency

  3. Annotations: information about the record such as abeat labels or alarm triggers


Original software: George Moody, Tom Pollard, Benjamin Moody
R implementation: Anish S. Shah
Last updated: 2025-02-18

Read WFDB-compatible annotation file


Individual annotation types are described as both a command-line tool for annotating WFDB-files, as well as the extension that is appended to the record name to notate the type. Generally, the types of annotations that are supported are described below:

  • atr = manually reviewed and corrected reference annotation files

  • ann = general annotator file

  • ecgpuwave = files contain surface ECG demarcation (P, QRS, and T waves)

  • sqrs/wqrs/gqrs = standard WFDB peak detection for R waves

A more thorough explanation is given in the details. Additionally, files when being read in are converted from a binary format to a textual format. The raw data however may be inadequate, as the original annotation may be erroneous. In these cases, an empty annotation_table object will be returned.


  record_dir = ".",
  wfdb_path = getOption("wfdb_path"),
  begin = "00:00:00",
  end = NA_character_,

  record_dir = ".",
  wfdb_path = getOption("wfdb_path"),

  wfdb_path = getOption("wfdb_path"),



String that will be used to name the WFDB record. Cannot include extensions, and is not a filepath. alphanumeric characters are acceptable, as well as hyphens (-) and underscores (_)


File path of directory that should be used read and write files. Defaults to current directory.


String that is the name of a WFDB-compatible annotation type, serving as the extension for the file that is written containing that annotation. Please see read_annotation() and write_annotation() for further details.


Path that leads to installed wfdb software package on device. Needs to be directly set using set_wfdb_path(). Obtained from the system options on loading of the package, getOption('wfdb_path')

begin, end

A character in the format of HH:MM:SS that will be used to help parse the time of the annotation. These parameters together create the time range to extract. The default of 0 is a shortcut for 00:00:00. The seconds argument can include a decimal place.


Additional arguments to be passed to the function


An annotation_table containing the 6 invariant columns required by the annotation_table() function


This function will either read in an annotation using the read_annotation() function in the format of an annotation_table object, or write to file/disk an annotation_table to a WFDB-compatible annotation file using the write_annotation() function.

IMPORTANT: as annotation files are created by annotators that were developed independently, there is a higher chance of an erroroneous file being created on disk. As such, this function will note an error an return an empty annotation_table at times.

Annotation files

The following annotation file types are described below.


ecgpuwave analyzes an ECG signal from the specified record, detecting the QRS complexes and locating the beginning, peak, and end of the P, QRS, and ST-T waveforms. The output of ecgpuwave is written as a standard WFDB-format annotation file (the extension is "*.ecgpuwave", as would be expected). This file can be converted into text format using rdann. Further details are given at the ECGPUWAVE page.

The type column can be p, t, or N for the peak of the P wave, T wave, and QRS (R peak) directly. The output notation also includes waveform onset XXX and waveform offset XXX. The number column gives further information about each of these type labels.

The number column gives modifier information. If the type classifier is a T wave annotation, the number column can be 0 (normal), 1 (inverted), 2 (positive), 3 (negative), 4 (biphasic negative-positive), 5 (biphasic positive-negative). If the type is an waveform onset or offset, then number can be 0 (P wave), 1 (QRS complex), 2 (T wave).

I/O of WFDB-compatible signal & header files from EP recording systems


This function allows for WFDB files to be read from any WFDB-compatible system, and also allows writing out WFDB-compatible files from specific EP recording systems, as indicated in the details section. Writing WFDB leads to creation of both a dat (signal) and hea (header) file. These are both required for reading in files as well.


  wfdb_path = getOption("wfdb_path"),
  header = list(frequency = 250, gain = 200L, label = character()),
  info_strings = list(),

  record_dir = ".",
  annotator = NA_character_,
  wfdb_path = getOption("wfdb_path"),
  begin = 0,
  end = NA_integer_,
  interval = NA_integer_,
  units = "digital",
  channels = character(),

  record_dir = ".",
  wfdb_path = getOption("wfdb_path"),
  begin = 0L,
  end = NA_integer_,
  interval = NA_integer_,
  units = "digital",
  channels = character(),

read_header(record, record_dir = ".", wfdb_path = getOption("wfdb_path"), ...)



Can either be an egm object, or a data.frame (or similar) object. The function will appropriately set defaults based on the type.

  • egm = Will extract signal and header data directly from object, and thus is simplest to convert to a WFDB format

  • signal_table = This is a customized data.table class that has an invariant column containing sample information.

  • data.frame or data.table = Must have a column that represents a time point or index, and columns that represent signal values (preferably integers)


String that will be used to name the WFDB record. Cannot include extensions, and is not a filepath. alphanumeric characters are acceptable, as well as hyphens (-) and underscores (_)


File path of directory that should be used read and write files. Defaults to current directory.


Path that leads to installed wfdb software package on device. Needs to be directly set using set_wfdb_path(). Obtained from the system options on loading of the package, getOption('wfdb_path')


A header file is an optional named list of parameters that will be used to organize and describe the signal input from the data argument. If the type is given, specific additional elements will be searched for, such as the low or high pass filters, colors, or other signal attributes. At minimum, the following elements are required (as cannot be calculated):

  • frequency = sample frequency in Hertz as integer

  • label = vector of names for each channel as character

  • start_time = date/time object


A list of strings that will be written as an appendix to the header file, usually containing information about the channels, (e.g. list of colors, extra labels, etc).


Additional arguments to be passed to the function


String that is the name of a WFDB-compatible annotation type, serving as the extension for the file that is written containing that annotation. Please see read_annotation() and write_annotation() for further details.

begin, end, interval

Timepoint as an integer (representing seconds), which is converted to an index position based on sampling frequency. The default is to start at the beginning of the record. If end or interval are given, the earlier of the two will be returned. The end argument gives a time index to read until. The interval argument is the length of time past the start point.


A character string representing either digital (DEFAULT) or physical units that should be used, if available.

  • digital = Index in sample number, signal in integers (A/D units)

  • physical = Index in elapsed time, signal in decimal voltage (e.g. mV). This will include 1 additional row over the header/column names that describes units


Either the signal/channel in a character vector as a name or number. Allows for duplication of signal or to re-order signal if needed. If nothing is given, will default to all channels available.


Depends on if it is a reading or writing function. For writing, will output an WFDB-based object reflecting the function. For reading, will output an extension of a data.table object reflecting the underlying function (e.g. signal_table() will return an object of class).


  • write_wfdb(): Writes out signal and header data into a WFDB-compatible format from R.

  • read_wfdb(): Reads a multicomponent WFDB-formatted set of files directly into an egm object. This serves to pull together read_signal(), read_header(), and read_annotation() for simplicity.

  • read_signal(): Specifically reads the signal data from the WFDB binary format, returning a signal_table object for evaluation in the R environment

  • read_header(): Specifically reads the header data from the WFDB header text format, returning a header_table object for evaluation in the R environment

Recording systems

Type of signal data, as specified by the recording system, that are currently supported.

WFDB path utilities


These functions are used to help find and locate commands from the installation of WFDB. They are helpful in setting and getting path options and specific WFDB commands. They are primarily internal helper functions, but are documented for troubleshooting purposes.




find_wfdb_command(.app, .path = getOption("wfdb_path"))



A character string that describes the path to the WFDB binary directory


The name of WFDB software command or application as a character


These functions are helper functions to work with the user-installed WFDB software. They do not always return an object, and are primarily used for their side effects. They are primarily developer functions, but are exposed to the user to help troubleshoot issues with their installation of WFDB.